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Reaching optimal health with Sòlas Rejuvenation + Wellness

Have you ever wondered why diets work for some and not others? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have discovered that there really is no one-size-fits-all approach. The good news, however, is that a unique, transformative resource is available that can help you understand why.

Advanced DNA testing takes the guesswork out of achieving dietary and fitness wellness and performance through whole-body analysis. Unique genetics testing (DNA tests) provides even further detailed analytic insights into a person’s unique biology.

DNA testing enables a precise approach in helping to optimize the body’s use of foods and nutrients in order to increase vitality, strength, stamina, and weight management. The test results provided deliver a personalized, comprehensive outline for a precise direction when tailoring an approach to overall health and wellness – based on specific genetic information and lifestyle choices.

Nutrition & Diet DNA Test

Nutrition & Diet DNA TestHow do we know which foods should be consumed and which should be avoided? 

The science of how gene expression and foods correspond is called nutrigenomics.

A Nutrition & Diet DNA Test studies gene variants associated with health factors. These factors can include:

  • Carbohydrate Response
  • Fat Response
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Muscle Tissue Types
  • Nutrient Absorption
  • Vitamins And Minerals

Planning your diet and lifestyle choices based on these factors allows you to optimize these unique characteristics and achieve health goals faster.

Exercise Genetics:
Fitness DNA TEST

Fitness DNA TEST

Personalizing exercise allows you to optimize workouts and achieve the best results with shorter recovery time.

A Fitness DNA Test explores the science of exercise genetics for creating an individualized approach that exceeds what a personal trainer can do alone.

Fitness DNA Testing examines gene variants associated with an individual’s health markers that include:

  • Adrenaline
  • Boosting Metabolism
  • Boosting Performance
  • Burning Fat
  • Carbohydrate Processing
  • Decreasing Recovery Time
  • Endurance
  • Food Cravings and Hunger
  • Growing Muscle Volume

Exercise genetics identifies specific biological traits that can unlock one’s full potential through specific training choices by gaining precise details on how your body responds to physical motion.

Accessing Your Full Potential at Sòlas Rejuvenation + Wellness

Studying the results of both Nutrition/Diet and Fitness/Exercise DNA Tests allows for personalization of an ideal health-related outcome. Fortunately, nutrigenomics and exercise genetics tests are available at Sòlas Rejuvenation + Wellness.

These simple swab tests are administered quickly and then processed directly at the Dalrada Health (Sòlas’ parent company) CLIA-certified laboratory, where results can be analyzed.

Once the test results are available, Sòlas works with you to create a tailored approach to diet, nutrition, exercise, and fitness goals. This precision health and wellness path ensures a complete plan based on your unique biological structure.

To experience the benefits of personalized analysis from Advanced DNA Testing in an ultimate spa setting, contact Sòlas Rejuvenation + Wellness today: 858.524.1189.

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