Solas Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft Tissue Therapy

Advanced healing through targeted heating, pulsed magnetic energy, and massage.

Soft tissue injuries may be the most common in sports, but they certainly don’t affect athletes alone. These injuries can occur while at work, during a fender bender, in a slip-and-fall, or even while carrying out day-to-day activities.

Soft tissue injuries occur when muscles, ligaments, or joints are damaged through multiple trauma types, be they direct (like whiplash) or indirect (like repeated strain on a muscle). Regardless of how they occur, the pain and restricted movement that results can have a significant impact on your quality of life.

What if there was a way to accelerate the healing process and get back to normal fast? There is!

Soft Tissue Injury Treatment

Venus Concept Logo

Sòlas Rejuvenation + Wellness is proud to offer advanced medical technology through Venus Concept. Our soft tissue therapy uses three clinically-proven therapeutic modes of action that specifically target soft tissue injuries and conditions. When combined, they become a powerful treatment that works faster than traditional modalities. Either used alone or as part of a holistic treatment plan with other therapies, these quick and comfortable treatments can help you get back to feeling your best – quickly.

Venus Concept‘s treatments for soft tissue injuries and conditions are powered by RP3 technology, which essentially takes the healing power of deep and targeted tissue heating, pulsed magnetic energy, and massage to ultimately relieve pain, reduce swelling, improve local blood circulation, relax muscles, and increase range of motion. Venus Concept’s soft tissue injury treatments work faster than conventional methods, so you can you get back to your usual routine as soon as possible.


  • Quick treatments averaging only 10 minutes
  • Can be combined with other therapies
  • Fewer treatment sessions may be needed
  • Relief may be noticeable after just one treatment
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Fast Facts: Soft Tissue Therapy

  • Most treatments average 10 minutes
  • Treatment can be combined with other therapies
  • Fewer treatment sessions vs. traditional therapy
  • Fast relief, often after just one treatment

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General Information

Am I a good candidate for this treatment? Will it work for me?

The best candidate is someone who requires treatment of a soft tissue injury or condition, such as neck/shoulder/back pain, aching wrists, leg or foot pain, repetitive strain and overuse injuries, strained muscles, tennis elbow, or more. This treatment is ideal for soft tissue injuries and conditions where a thermal modality (deep heat), pulsed magnetic energy, and/or massage is recommended.

For safety reasons, you should avoid treatment if you have/are:

  • Active inflammation and/or infection in the treatment area
  • Current or history of cancer
  • A degenerative neurologic disease or any other disease around the treatment area that’s triggered by heat
  • Any hematological disease
  • History of thrombophlebitis
  • Chronic medication of corticosteroids or beta-blockers
  • Any active implant in the body (internal defibrillator, pacemaker, etc.)
  • Any passive implants, excluding dental, in the treatment area (metal or silicone implants, injections, etc.)
  • Uncontrolled thyroid gland disorder
  • Varicose veins
  • Pregnant or are undergoing an IVF procedure
  • Skin-related autoimmune diseases

What does the treatment do?

Treatment can help you recover faster. It works by delivering deep, targeted, uniform heat with applicators that massage the area and simultaneously provide the healing power of pulsed magnetic energy. These three modalities together can help relieve pain and increase range of motion so you can get back to your everyday routine faster.

Is this technology safe?

Yes! The technology behind this soft tissue injuries treatment is composed of three different modes of action: Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (RF), Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF), and massage. Massage is a manual technique that is often included in treatment plans for soft tissue injuries. The two energy-based components, RF and PEMF, are also completely safe. Glycerin-based Glide gel is applied to the skin as the conductive medium, keeping skin protected from the heat.

About the Treatment

How is this treatment different from others?

RF, PEMF, and massage (the three modes of action behind this treatment) have been used individually for many years to safely treat a variety of injuries. However, Venus Versa™ by Venus Concept is the first device of its kind to combine all three in one treatment. The real innovation is in the RF delivery system — using PEMF, the applicators deliver the thermal energy (heat) in a very targeted, deep, and uniform fashion, something that no other device can do. With the added healing benefit of massage, this is a truly unique treatment option for soft tissue injuries.

Would I be able to get this treatment done over a lunch break?

Absolutely! Exact treatment times will vary depending on the patient and the nature of the injury or condition, but a single session typically takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes.

How many sessions will it take before I see results?

Most patients will receive 4-6 treatment sessions to experience the most effective results. The exact number of treatments will depend on each individual person and the area being treated. Keep in mind that although you may notice a significant improvement after one session, these results may lessen without subsequent treatments. We advise that you complete the full treatment plan regularly as recommended by your care provider.

Can I get the treatment done every day? If not, how often/far apart should the treatments be?

It depends on what treatment is being used and what your doctor recommends. For example, it is not recommended to use the RF (deep heating) mode every day—there should be at least 24 to 48 hours between these treatment sessions so that the injured tissue has time to repair itself. However, PEMF and massage modes (with no RF) can be used daily if needed.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for my soft tissue injury treatment?

Nothing major – simply make sure your skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions or creams before your soft tissue injury treatment and remove all jewelry around the area. You may want to wear loose-fitting clothing around the treatment area, if possible, as your skin may feel warm to the touch afterward. Depending on the parameters of your treatment plan, your provider will let you know if there is anything else you need to do before your session.

The Treatment Experience

How long does each treatment take?

It depends on the size and depth of the treatment area. If it is a large area, the treatment can take 10-15 minutes. If it is a small area, 5-10 minutes will probably suffice. Note that these treatment times pertain only to treatments with Venus Versa™ and do not include any other combined therapies.

What does the treatment feel like? Will it be painful?

This soft tissue injuries treatment is very comfortable. In the RF mode, you will feel the applicator slowly getting warmer as the treatment provider moves around the affected area. You will feel the deep heating effect, along with the therapeutic massage component of the treatment. In fact, Venus often makes other fascial treatments less painful if used prior. It also feels less painful to stretch the affected area after it has been treated with the heat.

How quickly will I feel the results?

Most people feel their pain is reduced after just one treatment. Increased range of motion and relief of muscle spasms may also be noticed after one treatment. However, these results may not last unless you follow-up with additional treatments that help encourage the injured area to heal over time. Your care provider will put together an appropriate, consistent treatment plan for you.

Do I need to do anything after my soft tissue injury treatment?

It depends on the parameters of your soft tissue injuries treatment plan. Your care provider will be able to advise you on specific follow-up instructions pertaining to your individual injury or condition. Loose-fitting clothing around the area treated is usually recommended.