Solas DNA testing

DNA Testing Services

Testing, analysis, and reporting that provides a tailored approach for complete health and wellness.

DNA is the unique structure that essentially makes us who we are. As the carrier of genetic and hereditary information, these fundamental and distinctive characteristics are unchanging, telling the detailed individual story of us all.

While you cannot change your own DNA, you can become informed about how your own genetic makeup affects your everyday life, including your overall health, how your body responds to specific influences and how you may be predisposed to certain conditions.

Full-Body Health DNA Testing

Solas Rejuvenation + Wellness offers simple and accurate DNA testing to help you reach optimal health. Each skin, nutrition, and fitness DNA test is performed using a simple swab and then sent to our own CLIA-certified lab for detailed analysis and results.

Skin DNA Testing

The Skin DNA test provides invaluable insight into skin-related health issues. Are you predisposed to certain conditions? What should you do to keep your skin clear and healthy? This test delivers detailed analysis with the answers you need.

Nutrition DNA Testing

The Nutrition DNA test is a dynamic test that reveals 43 unique genetic traits related to diet, eating behaviors, nutritional needs, and more. The test provides ideal food recommendations for individuals based on their unique requirements.

Fitness DNA Testing

The Fitness DNA test is engineered to provide unfiltered access to how your body responds to physical exercise. This test identifies 31 unique genetic traits that are essential to fitness, laying out a blueprint for physical activity and exercising needs.

You’ve got questions – DNA testing is the answer

Take the guesswork out of your health and get definitive answers with DNA tests that provide clarity and deliver peace of mind. Understand your body much better and reach your health and wellness goals faster!

Ready to schedule your test?

Call today for more information or to book your FREE consultation: 858.524.1189

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