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There’s good news for anyone suffering from painful arthritis or joint injury – or just joint pain in general.

Joint injuries and conditions typically result from inflammation and damaged tissues surrounding where an injury has occurred. Damaged tissue and inflammation can also be the result of another common ailment: arthritis.

A non-surgical treatment option is available for a variety of related conditions including:

  • Torn tendons
  • Tendinitis
  • Muscle injuries
  • Arthritis pain
  • Joint injuries
  • Joint pain
  • More

Common Ailment: Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting more women than men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Unfortunately, the condition is progressively degenerative and irreversible. U.S. adults aged 18-44 account for 7.1% of reported osteoarthritis cases, increasing to 29.3% among those in the age group 45-64. Additionally, the 65+ age group represents 49.6% of all reported cases. By 2045, 78.4 million adults are estimated to receive an arthritis diagnosis from a doctor.

Traditional healing modalities for osteoarthritis include a wide range of options: invasive surgery, lifestyle changes, and non-steroidal and steroidal injections to restore mobility are common treatments. Surgery will repair torn tissues, but it will not restore the damaged tissues surrounding the injury site. It’s also worth noting that the frequent use of NSAIDs, corticosteroids, and hyaluronic acid prescribed for mild osteoarthritis (like the knee, for example), does not apply to severe cases and taking these medications will ultimately have little to no effect.

Fortunately, an effective non-surgical option is available, featuring natural mesenchymal cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy that may improve tissue conditions and possibly facilitate faster healing. Medical research has proven that PRP positively affects tissue regeneration and mesenchymal cells can provide pain relief.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelets are a type of blood cell associated with the body’s immune system, clotting ability, and contain growth factors to initiate cell reproduction and tissue regeneration.

Platelet-rich plasma is created by centrifuging platelets (spinning blood rapidly in a specialized machine to separate platelets from red blood cells), resulting in a super-concentrated number of platelets.

PRP therapy centrifuge

PRP was first introduced to promote healing in clinical practices in 1970. Whether used in conjunction with mesenchymal cells or independently, PRP injections around an injury site are now often used to decrease inflammation and naturally restore tissue damage.

What to Expect

PRP therapy is a natural treatment option that can potentially provide longer-lasting results while reducing pain and overall recovery time.

The procedure itself involves injections at the injury site or focus area, with the shots feeling like that of an annual flu shot. Clients generally report minimal discomfort.

One to two weeks is the estimated time for the first stage of the natural healing process. During this time, a sense of relief can be felt rather immediately to the injury site or focus area. The body then regenerates new collagen and tissues over the next two to six weeks. It’s important to remember that it may take weeks or even months for an individual’s collagen to form into ligaments, sometimes requiring additional injections throughout the healing process.

If you’re dealing with chronic or even intermittent joint pain, you may want to consider the natural approach of PRP therapy as a convenient non-surgical treatment option that can potentially accelerate your body’s natural healing process.

Contact Sòlas Rejuvenation + Wellness today to learn more about our regenerative therapy options. Our team of experts specializes in restoring balance and health. Make an appointment by calling: 858-524-1189 or simply request an appointment through our website.

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