Solas Shot Bar

Shot Bar

The best way to boost your body’s natural health

If your busy schedule has run you completely ragged, you’re not alone. In a perfect world, you’d be eating an ideal diet, and getting to the gym every day. To be sure, diet, exercise, and good nutrition are all essential parts of a healthy lifestyle. But what can you do when you’ve fallen behind in your normal healthy routine and you need a pick me up? If you don’t mind a quick little pinch, vitamin shots are a great way to boost your body’s natural health.

So why an injection? The short answer is that vitamin injections can improve your body’s natural healing, boost immune response, increase your energy level, and promote a better overall wellbeing – very quickly.

Super B Energizer

Have you been feeling stressed, sluggish, overweight, or you feel like you just need a boost in your overall mood? The truth is that you may be deficient in B vitamins. These are nutrients we normally receive through our regular diet that have great affect on our mind, mood and metabolism.

Energize your mind and body with a boost of Super B.

Brain & Bod Spark

To optimize our health and wellness, it’s very important that our bodies get an appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals. Among these necessary nutrients is vitamin B12, which helps generate healthy red blood cells and DNA as well as serving many other functions – particularly in the brain. Healthy B-12 levels can help increase your energy and concentration, while jump starting your metabolism, provide immune system support, and improve sleep patterns.


An essential amino acid, Lysine aids in many vital bodily functions. Essential amino acids like this are actually not produced in our bodies; we get L-Lysine from the foods we eat. Lysine helps in wound healing, hormone regulation (to help decrease stress levels), and it also helps increase growth hormone production. Additionally, Lysine helps in the production of antibodies to help support the immune system and it aids in the formation of collagen while acting as a building block for proteins, making it vital for the body to function properly.

Go Lean

MIC + B12 shots may just be the powerhouse injection you need! MIC (Methionine Inositol Choline) is a lipotropic combination containing a powerful amino acid (Methionine) and two members of the B-vitamin family (Inositol and Choline). The substances are combined to powerfully aid in fat utilization, breakdown, and prevention of fat storage.

Target and burn fat and stimulate fat metabolism in the liver with this powerful combination of lipotropic amino acids.

Boost Your Body’s Health – Naturally

  • Improve immune response
  • Increase energy levels
  • Promote overall wellbeing

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Call us today for a FREE consultation: 858.524.1189

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