Solas Aesthetics Hair Revitalization

Hair Revitalization Treatment

Modern, non-invasive options that help revitalize hair growth

If you have ever experienced hair loss, most likely you have also researched plenty of options for hair restoration, including topical treatments, creams, medications, and surgery. However, there are better, more modern and non-invasive options now available.

Hair loss is most often associated with men, but in all actuality, both men and women can be affected by it, especially as they age. In fact, 1 in 4 men will notice some form of baldness by the time they reach 30 years old, and just under half of all women will experience some type of hair loss or thinning by the time they reach the age of 50.

Why is My Hair Falling Out?

We know that genetics play a large part as to whether or not we prematurely bald or experience thinning of the hair as we get older, but there are also many other factors that can play a significant role in hair loss as well. Some of these include:

  • Environmental factors (i.e., stressful job or family situations)
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Hormone levels and imbalances
  • Prescription medications
  • Lyme disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Alopecia
  • Other conditions

No matter what the cause, we know that hair loss can have a tremendous effect on your self-confidence and self-image. Fortunately, Sòlas Rejuvenation + Wellness is proud to offer advanced Hair Revitalization Treatment in the form of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and Microneedling to combat hair loss without the use of potentially harmful drugs or surgical procedures.

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Whether you are suffering from male pattern baldness, a receding hairline, thinning or dull hair, or a more severe condition, we know that it can be embarrassing, and the thought of using artificial hormones, topical ointments, or transplant surgeries may be overwhelming.

If you are looking for a safe, alternative solution for hair restoration, please contact us today for a free Hair Revitalization Treatment consultation!

Revitalizing Hair Growth

Looking for a safe, alternative solution for hair restoration? Please contact us today for a free Hair Revitalization Treatment consultation!

Still have questions?

Call us today for a FREE consultation: 858.524.1189

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